We believe that people change.
The Welcome Directory is committed to establishing a nationwide resource that helps people leaving prison with faith to make that change.
Will you partner financially with us so that together we can do this?
Change for change is the name of our fundraising campaign aimed at Faith Communities who see themselves as being a part of the Welcome Directory.
Our sustainable funding model, to ensure the continued development of this national resource to support change that lasts in people leaving prison is based on four things:
The core part of this is the support of Faith Communities. Registration on the directory is, and will continue to be completely free. However we would like faith communities to consider holding an annual fundraising event in aid of the Welcome Directory.
As a group our trustees set themselves a personal fundraising target each year; we would like to encourage our registered faith communities to do the same.
We would love to celebrate your fundraising achievements here so that others can share your ideas. We've started with four imaginary fundraisers (actually, the church raising £750 in a Prisons Week service is a real account), but as your stories come in, we will replace our ideas with your reality!
Raised £750
Raised .. ££ ????
Raised .. ££ ????
Raised .. ££ ????
27 Tavistock Square, London. WC1H 9HH
07538 129347
Registered charity 1169014
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