This resource has been designed for use in prison establishments to raise awareness of the work of The Welcome Directory amongst prisoners soon due to be released, encouraging them to speak with Chaplaincy.
Two A3 posters will be sent to each prison establishment accompanying the 2023 edition of the directory towards the end of the year. Additional copies can be downloaded and printed using the link.
Chaplaincy Cards for Prisoners are now available to order!
The Welcome Directory has produced double-sided A6 postcards which can be completed by Chaplains for prisoners with faith, who are soon due to be released. These provide space for information about welcoming faith communities in the locality they plan to resettle to be written in, and come in packs of 50 and are free of change. Please do consider ordering some for your prison.
These can be ordered from Prison Industries Storefront online portal, reference code: OPS_CT001.
For Privately Managed Prisons, these can be ordered directly through TWD by emailing [email protected]
27 Tavistock Square, London. WC1H 9HH
07538 129347
Registered charity 1169014
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