Ready. Set. Cake!

Do you like baking and raising money for a worthy cause? We would love to hear from you! You choose a date and location and we'll send you a fundraising pack!

Before you get started: 

    1. Sign up here
    2. We’ll send you a free fundraising pack. Find out what’s in your pack here. 
    3. Find a venue: your place of worship or a community hall (check first if a license is needed)
    4. Recruit your bakers & volunteers!
    5. Set the date & time
    6. Promotion: do plenty of shout outs! The more people who turn up, the more money you raise! Your pack includes ready-made flyers and social media posts! 
    7. Community support: since it’s a charity event your local businesses might like to get involved by donating some goodies to sell or use as fundraising prizes. Always worth asking! 

How to send us your donations - it's super easy!

  • Pay in via check payable to ‘The Welcome Directory, 27 Tavistock Square, London. WC1H 9HH
  • Via your own fundraising page: If you haven’t got one, you can set one up here


the welcome directory

Contact US

[email protected]

27 Tavistock Square, London. WC1H 9HH

07538 129347

Registered charity 1169014


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